
Departure of I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja as the Ambassador of Republic Indonesia for the Netherlands

IDN Liveable Cities • 26 juni 2020

On June 26, 2020, I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, officially ended his duty as the Ambassador of Republic Indonesia for the Netherlands after four years of duty to represent Indonesia in the Netherlands. His great contribution has also acknowledged by the Kingdom of the Netherlands which represented by an award given by the King Willem Alexander, namely Ridder Grootkruis in de Orde Van Oranje-Nassau on June 12, 2020. Before his departure, a series of farewell event was held by various parties followed by handover ceremony to Fikry Cassidy, the Vice Representative of Indonesia for the Netherlands and the inauguration ceremony of the new Board of Indonesia Diaspora Network in the Netherlands (IDN-NL).

After 4 years of contribution to strengthen the bilateral relationships between Indonesia and the Netherlands, I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, officially ended his dusty as the Ambassador of Republic Indonesia for the Netherlands on last Friday, June 26, 2020. His journey as the Ambassador has resulted great remarks in strengthening the relationships between both countries. One of them was the Dutch mission to Indonesia in March 2020, in which the King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima also joined the mission.


His works and contributions had received an acknowledgment from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This acknowledgment is represented by the award given by the King Willem Alexander himself, namely Ridder Grootkruis in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau, on June 12, 2020. This award is of course a great present to end his official duty as the Ambassador.


Prior his departure from the Netherlands, several parties who focus their activities in Indonesia-the Netherlands relations, conducted farewell parties. These events were followed by the official handover ceremony from I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja to Fikry Cassidy, the Vice Representative of Indonesia for the Netherlands. In addition to this, he also appointed the new Board members of Indonesian Diaspora Network in the Netherlands (IDN-NL), as an official committee for Indonesian community in the Netherlands, through an inauguration ceremony.


The new Board members of Indonesian Diaspora Network in the Netherlands (IDN-NL) are as follows:


Chair of IDN-NL                                        : Lany Pradjarahardja

Vice Chair / Treasurer of IDN-NL        : Leon Van Maaren

Secretary of IDN-NL                                : Helen Setiawati

Chair of Art and Culture Taskforce    : Bert Steevensz

Chair of Liveable Cities Taskforce     : Wiwi Tjiook

Chair of Health Taskforce                     : Tik Tan


Thank you for your great contributions Pak I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja (Pak Puja) and success for the new appointed Board members of IDN-NL.


Photos in these articles were made by KBRI Den Haag.

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