door IDN Liveable Cities
3 juni 2020
On June 3, 2020, Indonesia Diaspora Network the Netherlands, Taskforce Liveable Cities (IDN Liveable Cities) was represented by Wiwi Tjiook , Driver of Integrated Water and Landscape Planning as one of the panelists for the webinar “Food and Landscape Urbanity”. This webinar was organized by the Architecture Department of University of Lampung (UNILA) in co-operation with Indonesian Association of Architects (IAI) , Indonesian Society of Landscape Architects (IALI), Indonesian Association of Planners – Lampung Chapter (IAP) and was the first in a series of 4 which will be hold every 2 weeks. Each session will feature 2 speakers from different background who will reflect on the current COVID 19 pandemic situation affecting cities and public space. The webinar was joined by more than 150 participants from across Indonesia as well as diaspora in Australia, Singapore and The Netherlands.